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        PetsHome       寵之家寵物善終服務


The loss of a loved one is hard. Our experienced staff will guide you through each step of the necessary arrangements. 

主頁: Welcome

About Us


寵物是等同一個親密的朋友或家人一樣, 我們明白失去他們的心情是怎樣. 寵之家的理念是提供關懷及憐憫和莊重的私人寵物火化服務給寵物主人, 讓毛孩在家人的陪伴下能繼續在天上自由奔跑, 開心快樂.

我們會陪伴你渡過這傷感的時刻, 這段過程一點都不易行, 而且是一段很漫長的時間. 但當你需要的時候,我們會陪伴你一起渡過整個過程. 

如果你需要更多的資料,請致電到 23431268 與我們的寵物喪禮顧問聯絡

Pets are like a close friend or family of ours and we definitely understand how it feels to lose them. The House of Pets’s aim is to provide care and sympathy, as well as a soleum cremation service for their master. Hence, they will be able to let their pet gallop freely within the clouds with their master’s accompany. 

We will be by your side in deep sorrow to go through this journey full of hardship. Besides, time will definitely be a staple for one to heal. We will definitely provide support when it is needed. 

If you have any more inquiries, please dial 23431268 and seek advice from our funeral consultant.

主頁: Plan Ahead






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